Bank accounts, business licenses and other legalities aside, a book publisher isn’t really real until it has an inventory of…well…books.
Today, Abiegnus House is real. Our first book has arrived in all its talismanic ink-and-paper glory. We received 2,500 pristine copies of Isis Magic; Cultivating a Relationship with the Goddess of 10,000 Names by M. Isidora Forrest.
Isis Magic fresh off the truck
And we must say, we are delighted with the results. Isis Magic looks fantastic. Print quality is bright and clear; the text and photos look beautiful, and the cover catches all the colors and subtleties that the book designer intended—just as we’d hoped.
Next up—launching the Abiegnus House website so that Isis Magic, as well as future Abiegnus House titles, can find their way into your hands.